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BlightSpot makes it easy to search for, report, or sell vacant and abandoned real estate. The mission is to find every abandoned building in the world and help reduce blight in our communities.

Deliverables: Website, Branding, Social Media Graphic




Real Estate


Brand Identity Design for Real Estate App

Our highly experienced brand design team worked closely with the team at BlightSpot to define, develop, and design a new logo and visual identity.

The branding and promotion strategy of the brand has to take into account both digital and physical communication with the user. The visual consistency is reached with several key elements: logo, colors, imagery, and typography.


Beautiful Website for Abandoned Buildings

After NEOXICA performed the overhaul of the BlightSpot website, they were left with a creative and high-end site design that is easy for clients to use and easy for admins to edit. The site is easier to navigate, and mobile responsiveness increased. 


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